Friday, June 11, 2010

Welcome, Ryan!

After a week of being on bedrest, and combating contractions with medication the doctor said "when he comes, he comes". I was expecting to have a least a week :| Within two days, I was in labor. We had known for awhile that I was a "high risk" pregnancy, and for the last week before Ryan was born I could not be left alone -- in case of an emergency.

So after the doctor took me off of bedrest and trebutaline on Tuesday -- I felt that urge to get things done. I cooked and froze meals, cleaned, did laundry, ran errands.... Fast forward to Wednesday evening, around 9 pm I started having contractions -- by midnight they were five minutes apart and the "just in case of emergency" was happening. We very quickly (without half of our things) got in the car and ran every red light to get to the Emergency Room.

After seeing a resident, they decided I could labor for awhile under close monitoring. So for the next 21 hours I labored. Around 8:30 pm the doctor noticed that something had changed -- and recommended we do a c-section in the next hour.

Ryan James Spell was born on June 3, 2010 at 9:20 p.m. For being born at 36 weeks (which is considered premature) he was a pretty healthy guy at 6 lbs 4 oz and 20.5 inches. However, he wasn't quite pink enough, and was grunting while breathing -- so he was taken to Texas Children's NICU. I saw him through the incubator as they were leaving the room, we couldn't even hold him until the next morning when he had been taken off of the machine to help regulate his breathing.

Here are some pictures from the next day....I can't post up the ones with all of the tubes/monitors as its just too traumatic for me :(

Kisses from Daddy

Mommy meeting Ryan for the first time.

Praise God for a healthy son, and for the ability to come home from the hospital all together!

* I had been writing this post for awhile -- so I will play catch up over the next few weeks with updated happenings and maybe some old drafts that are in my queue.