Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Night Owl

The baby is already taking after me with it's schedule :)

An ongoing "struggle" (annoyance) in our marriage is our different body clocks. Jeremy is the ultimate morning person, after his cup of coffee, getting up early and taking his time. He starts projects in the morning and usually by 7pm he is winding down for the night.

I on the other hand am quite the night owl -- I wake up at the last minute to rush out of the door, spend the entire morning groggy and start coming into real existance around 10 am. My most productive part of the day is usually from 9-11 pm. (Usually cleaning during this time -- Jeremy doesn't appreciate the vacuuming and mopping around midnight, while he is trying to sleep, which is why I called it a struggle.)

So up until today -- I hadn't really been feeling the baby moving -- only the really large movements whenever I happened to be yelling at a Cowboys game :) But I was sitting on the couch in my lazy stuper (it was before 9pm) and I start feeling this kicking... thinking it was the baby I started to experiment. I pushed on the side of my abdomen the baby prefers and yes the baby gave my hand a swift and pretty powerful kick for the little person weighing in at less than an pound and only approximately five inches. I never played soccer -- but maybe this is their calling. Or perhaps the baby knew how upset I was that the Cowboys need a reliable kicker and this is their way of being empathetic with my pain ;)

So it seems that we have an active night owl as the kicking has been steady for the last two hours-- I can't complain! Hopefully this means they will sleep in most mornings!

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